Raised in Miami, Mr. Esperon loved stories. Within the words and pages of novels, he found inspiring stories and cautionary tales that developed his sense of ethics and determined his pathway towards the future. Growing up with these stories and tales and determined to become the hero of his own story, he studied at Coral Gables Senior High School and Florida International University, examining the ideas of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung, Shakespeare and Victorian poets, Medieval troubadours and American giants. Through it all, he realized that his idea of “heroic” was mistaken: there were no heroes, only regular people prepared to perform extraordinary actions to make the world a better place.
Upon graduating, he packed up his novels, opened his mind, and set out upon the path towards teaching. After ten years, and with a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in English Education, he arrived at Miami Arts Charter - Homestead, yearning for new adventures and meeting new wanderers on the path towards changing the world for the better. In 2019, he moved to Miami Arts Charter School Wynwood, serving as the College Advisor and the AP Capstone Coordinator.
Having settled into his role as teacher and counselor to those heroic enough to perform extraordinary acts of courage and understanding, he is most excited by the discourse and conversation that occurs in his classroom every day, prizing respect for the human experience as he journeys onwards, through forest and dragon, to the better world of tomorrow.
“Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten” -Neil Gaiman, paraphrasing G. K. Chesterton